Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jogging in the Rain

Sometimes, you have this vision in life. And you know that when you achieve it, you’ll be happy. You slog for it, work hard day and night. You make countless sacrifices. You designate spending time with family as petty matter in front of your Vision. You ignore your dearest friends, lose track of them. You read up stuff that makes no sense to you. You sleep late, or don’t sleep at all in order to accomplish the milestones towards your goals.

Sometimes, you take pleasure in your small achievements. But these small achievements are all in line with your Final Goal. They just reinforce that you have chosen the right path, and they propel you further.

Then one fine morning, you wake up and decide to go for a long, long walk. And as you step out, you find that the scene is breathtaking. The sky is cloudy. There is a pleasant breeze blowing. The campus is lush green and picture perfect. A smile spreads over your face and you remind yourself how you almost cancelled on your plan to walk thinking it might be too sunny outside. Mentally, you thank somebody (yourself, God, Nature…even you don’t know, and you don’t give it a thought either), and with a spring in your foot (literally), you start with your walk.

When you are still in your 3rd round, it starts drizzling. It feels good. In fact, it feels great. You are happy you came out today morning. By the end of it, it starts pouring heavily. You start jogging instead of walking. The rain, the greenery, the breeze, life itself seems to have induced new energy in you. You are enjoying every moment of this.

For a moment, just for a very small insignificant moment, you think of returning back to hostel. Btu then you rubbish the though and continue with your walk. Towards the end of 4th round, again you start jogging. It feels so good. It feels like heaven. And you realize, that it is these simple pleasures that give life more meaning, more happiness, more everlasting moments than perhaps anything else can.

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