Saturday, August 2, 2008


Does it happen with everybody: feeling blue for no reason at all? I'm feeling like that today. I can myself notice that I'm not my usual chirpy self. I'm sad, quiet, non-argumentative (I know, that's the ultimate indicator :o))...just generally low on spirit and energy.

My Friend, the one who is my favourite topic of discussion these days, who even propelled me to write by first blog, is becoming more and more stubborn & irritating with every passing day. I fear that he is becoming senile. He argues about every single thing in this world. He can NEVER EVER agree with you. So much so, that sometimes he'll even contradict himself. He just has to argue with you, that's all. He's highly opinionated & judgemental. And the worst, he is so damn convinced of the fact that he can never be wrong! I know, most of us feel that way. But when faced with convincing logic and proof, we do bend a little, if not outrightly change our original stand. But My Friend the Great wouldn't dream of it! In fact, he openly says stuff like, "I'm a very rational person," and, "That's your perspective. But my perspective is different. And my perspective is correct."

I know, it is not good to be bitching about my "best friend", and that too in a public forum. But slowly, he's started bugging me. And i have a strong feeling that our friendship won't sustain longer than a month after college getting over. Sad, though. i have never taken losing friends easily. I mean, I should be used to it by now. Ever since Deepti just forgot about me after changing her school in class XI, giving an all together new meaning to the proverb "Out of sight: Out of mind", I have been through my share of loneliness, sadness, confusion, disillusionment etc etc etc. And now, whenever I start with a new venture, I simply remind myself that "life-long friendship" is what Bollywood movies and youthful promises are made of. But still, every time I lose a friend, I can't help wondering why. I spend endless nights trying to analyse the possible reasons, explaining the unexplainable. I mean, can there be any explanation for why life is unfair? It just is...

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